Bury Me in New Jersey
Bury Me In NJ
Canon in D

Canon in D

In today's episode, we speak with hospital chaplain and author Joan Paddock Maxwell who's worked with hundreds of patients with life-threatening illnesses, and was with many of them when they died.

We discuss the calling that brought her to this work, the lessons she's learned from her experiences, and the stories that led her to write her book, Soul Support: Spiritual Encounters at Life's End: Memoir of a Hospital Chaplain.

Produced by Nick Rumaczyk. Theme music: "P to the A" by Anonymous Novels. 

Bury Me in New Jersey
Bury Me In NJ
In 2005, my mom was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's when she was 54 and I was 22. This SubStack is a collection of my writings through her illness and after her subsequent death in April 2023.
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Bury Me in New Jersey